Among the questions people have when choosing diamonds one of the most common is “how big is one carat diamond.” This is such a pertinent question of discussion since the carat weight of a diamond is one of the four C’s that describes the size, shape, looks and the price of the stone. But that’s where size does not necessarily reflect how big the diamond is, based on carat weight. There are other conditions such as cut, shape and depth that can either make it look bigger or smaller in size.
But in this article, you are going to learn all you ever ought to know about 1 carat diamond size outside and in as well as outward facets like shape that determine the diameter of carat.
What is a Carat?
A carat is a weight measurement that is relatively basic which is used in assessing the dimensions of the diamond and any other gemstone. Besides, one carat is equal to 200 milligrams, one tenth of a gram, or 0.2 grams to be précised. Carat is derived from carob seeds but it was earlier used to balance small gemstones. However, the weight of the diamond also in carats will not necessarily be the size of the diamond that you can measure actually.
How Big is a 1 Carat Diamond?
In round cut, a diamond that is on average a 1 carat should be between 6.4 mm and 6.5 mm across the size. However the diamonds of the same carat weight will not be identical in shape and or cut thereof. One may look smaller than the other of an equal carat weight just because it has been poorly cut. The cut means a particular way of Diamond to reflect light on its surface and increase or decrease its shine.
1 Carat Diamond Size by Shape
Various shapes of the diamond have dissimilar surface area and thus depending on the size of the surface area may either appear larger or smaller on the finger. Here’s a quick overview of how various shapes impact the size perception of a 1 carat diamond:
- Round Cut: With a mean hydroxyapatite particle size of about 6.4–6.5 mm in diameter.
- Oval Cut: Slightly larger in size than the initial variety, growing up to about 7.7mm in length.
- Princess Cut: Laser Grating’s geometry is estimated to be about 5.5 mm by 5.5 mm in size.
- Emerald Cut: Measures approximately around 6 ½ by 5 mm, making it appear elongated.
Of course it is quite clear that the diamond shape determines whether it is going to look big or small even though all diamonds are 1 carat.
The Importance of Cut and Depth
Even if there is no confusion as to what 1 carat diamond size means, cut quality makes a tremendous difference on how the stone will appear. If a diamond is well cut it will reflect light better, look bigger and more lively. At the same time, if the diamond was poorly cut then it will not look bright and probably will seem to be of a smaller size, as only a part of the light will be reflected.
Size constancy is also affected by depth. A deeper cut diamond will have considerable mass from its base and will thus look smaller than a comparable weight diamond from the top. A shallow cut will create the opposite effect to brilliance while seeming larger in size.
How Does a 1 Carat Diamond Look on your Finger?
In view of explaining how big a 1 carat diamond size appears on the finger, it will be helpful to consider the ring design and finger size. Whereas in case one is wearing the same piece of jewel in a slim finger, chances are that the value of one carat in this small case might seem more prominently than in the other big finger. For those who want a glamorous styled diamond or a fancy cut for that matter, it is advisable to choose a design shape with a bigger surface area such as oval, pear among others.
While considering a 1 carat diamond, it is necessary to know that weight is not all as far as a diamond size is concerned. Elements such as the shape of the diamond, the quality of the cut, and depth all are determinants of the size as well as the size of the diamond in question. It is simply possible to achieve the right diamond, and look very good on the finger by achieving the right balance of the four Cs, with emphasis made on the cut and shape.
However, if you’re ready to dive deeper and consider diamonds, it’s crucial to look at these points and make the right choice choosing the best 1 carat diamond.